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Welcome to Campbellsville!

We invite you to enjoy this brief welcome video from CU president Dr. Joe Hopkins. Servant leaders are needed now more than ever. They're who we are looking for, people with a spark of life, animated by Christ, who we can come alongside and help prepare to change the world. Sound dreamy? Maybe. But we do it every day. Join us. You'll see.

Over 8,000 students hailing from 48 states and over 32 countries.


30 teams in 19 sports competing in the NAIA and NCCAA. Designated 2022 Champions of Character.


Centers and institutes across Kentucky, California, Windsor-Canada, and online.


CU ranked among lowest debt at graduation public and private universities nationwide.


A Christ-centered focus permeates the CU experience helping each student feel valued and empowered as ambassadors for Christ.